June 23, 2007

June 23, 2007 - The Ride Along

            For the last few days one of the drivers who has been with the company for 10 years or so has been showing me the ins and outs of cab driving.  It’s all pretty basic stuff – learning radio etiquette, learning the radio codes, and taxi regulations mostly.  My trainer, Julio, has been a cab driver since he moved here from Mexico a little over 15 years ago.  Nice guy, he even bought me lunch.  Julio however warns me of certain other drivers as well as the sedentary lifestyle that such a career path entails.  Overall he seems happy, and likes the flexibility.  From what I have seen so far everyone seems pretty nice, and eager to help.  Perhaps I should keep a watchful eye though… Just incase.

1 comment:

  1. I had to read your first blog post, I was curious.

    What did you do before? Do you have aspirations to write seriously? Oh yeah, get the hell out of the taxi business while you're still young enough to get out.

    I always tell people to read my early blog posts. And while going back through my reading traffic, I found a single post with over 1,000 views. I'm kind of curious why so many people chose to read that one.
